New Light VI - The Elusive

Solo Exhibition
Lumenvisum, Hong Kong

Lumenvisum website
Event webpage

“The Elusive” is a solo exhibition by emerging photographer Siu Wai Hang, as well as the sixth edition of Lumenvisum’s “New Light – Young Talented Photographer Series”. Siu has long been featuring landscape in his work, but his underlying focus is always on humanity. He believes history is ever settling in our surroundings, being distilled through time. To him, landscape photography is a vehicle for discourse on identity, history and core values. Furthering such discourses, in this new body of work he devised a mechanical installation which turns static photos into moving pictures. By problematising the visual experience, he attempts to elucidate the understanding of identity.

The barracks in Hong Kong are very much like isolated islands, being cut out from the rest of the territory and shrouded in mystery. Peeping seems natural for those passing by. However, the high fences, barbed wires and other obstacles shield the barracks and make peeping some sort of excitement. Taking “barrack peeping” as his starting point, Siu systematically took a number of photographs outside of the garrisons and organised them on his viewing devices. The series of moving images thus produced embody his impressions of the military regiments, his questioning of the perceptive experience, as well as the quest for a new mode of image interpretation.

「捉不到的」是青年攝影師蕭偉恒之個人展,亦是光影作坊 「New Light – 青年攝影創作系列」之六。蕭氏創作雖以地景為主,其關注 卻著重於人文。他認為歷史一直在周遭環境不斷沉澱,故一 直借地景攝影來引申至身份、歷史、核心價值等議題的論述 。是次展覽將這些論述延續,以機械裝置將照片與流動影像 結合,製作出關乎視覺經驗與身份理解的一系列作品。

香港境內的軍營就像與世隔絕,一直保持神秘。大眾每每路 過也會窺探內部,可是圍著軍營的除了圍欄外,還有不少東 西阻礙,使那種神秘更引人入勝。蕭氏以偷看軍營作為起點 ,以機械裝置將一連串在營外拍攝的照片組合起來,具體化 地呈現其對軍營的印象,嘗試拓展攝影閱讀的經驗。


Copyright 2022 © SiuWaiHang